DEFINITION A digital camera records and stores photographic images in digital form. Many current models are also able to capture sound or video, in addition to still images. Capture is usually accomplished by use of a photosensor , using a charged coupled device ( CCD ).These stored images can be uploaded to a computer immediately or stored in the camera for to be uploaded into a computer or printer later. Images may also be archived on a photographic compact disc or external hard disk
THE USE A digital camera (or digicam for short) is a camera that takes video or still photographs , or both, digitally by recording images via an electronic image sensor
  • A digital camera doesn't require a roll of film. This means you don't have to buy film, drive to the store, and wait for it to be developed.
  • You can take a lot more photos with a digital camera and print out only the ones you like. The number of pictures you can take with a film camera is limited to the number of exposures allowed on the film. If you want to take more pictures, you have to buy and load more rolls.

    Most of today's digital cameras enable you to take literally hundreds or even thousands of photos by simply adding an inexpensive add-on memory module.
  • Remember the last time you got back a set of 36 prints only to find that half of them were no good? You wasted a lot of money on 18 useless prints. Digital cameras eliminate this wasted expense

•  The screen is generally too small to really see a lot of detail

•  However, if you're on location in the middle of Antarctica or somewhere equally cold, then you really won't want to spend your time fiddling with all kinds of gadgets.

•  For many professional photographers, the difference between choosing digital cameras over films cameras is somewhat akin to the preference of choosing manual transmission over automatic transmission automobiles for the professional driver
